Highland Dale was born on March 4, 1943 in Missouri.
Highland Dale was only 18 months old when he was discovered by Ralph McCutcheon a trainer of animal motion picture stars.
He was 26 months old when he made his film debut in Black Beauty (1946) at which time he was renamed Beauty.

His next film was Black Gold (1947). He went on to star in The Return of Wildfire (1948), Black Eagle (1948), The Return of October (1948), Lone Star (1952), Johnny Guitar (1954), Wild is the Wind (1957), and Giant (1956).
In 1955, he was cast as Fury in the television series of the same name. He appeared in 49 episodes from 1955 to 1961.

Beauty was trained on the reward system, with his favorite treat, carrots. His tricks included limping, kneeling, lying down, playing dead, grinning, fetching, untying knots, and opening doors with her mouth.
One of the top paid animal stars, Beauty earned $5000.00 a week.

Beauty passed away in 1972 of natural causes.
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